No holding back

How often do we have the thought to do something for someone and then just as quickly lose the thought without following through with any action?

I have been pondering this over the past week.

It is almost as if we have something in us that pulls us back at the very moment that it could really be quite wonderful to simply go forth with whatever it is.

It feels good to allow that flow of love to come forth from us and out to those around us whether through words or actions.

It could be to take that person out for a meal, or to send someone a card  when it is not their birthday (yes, a real one they can actually hold and feel) or to buy flowers for someone just because you know they like them or to buy that thing that you see in a shop and know someone would love.

Equally, it could be to reach out to the person that you know is struggling or to compliment someone on something that particularly suits them (sincerity is crucial) or to tell someone how much you appreciate them and why.

All too often at the very moment that we could do one of these things, we hesitate and begin to over think our way out of doing it.  Whether because we doubt our instinctive desire to do that thing or we are afraid of how it will look or be perceived.

But fear is not a good enough reason to block the potential flow of love from us and in to others.

For surely, it is better to look like a fool or to be misunderstood than to withhold what you have to give because of what could go wrong.

It feels good to give.

To do what is within our power to do in the midst of our ordinary daily lives is to bring meaning and enjoyment to ourselves and others.  

It is these little exchanges of heartfelt words and actions that bring magic in to what could otherwise be the mundane quality of daily life.

Just because the Christ filled month of December along with all the associated giving is behind us does not mean that we cannot continue with a culture of generosity.

There is joy in generosity.  

For all involved.

And how wonderful to facilitate that flow rather than block it whether through fear, distraction, busyness or anything else.

For to live with a spirit of generosity is to really live!

It’s not about money either.  

Whilst it may at times be that we give to others financially, what most of us want more than that is to know that someone in the world is thinking about us, caring about our experience and willing to reach out to us to show their love and support.  

No one is excluded from the fun of giving.  

We can all get in to the flow of giving what we are able whilst also appreciating what others give to us.

And I cannot end without acknowledging that there is one who totally has this giving thing down and who absolutely loves giving to each and every one of us exactly what we need for each and every day.

I am of course talking about God Almighty.

What a giver He is.

And I believe that out of all that He gives us, the most valuable is His love, which He lavishes upon us that we may receive, enjoy and share this with others.

Let us continue this year in the spirit of giving to one another.

Buy those flowers, write and post that card, call that person, give that compliment.

Do what you are able and have fun along the way.

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