A gift

The other night I had the pleasure of tea and cake in the garden, with a good neighbour. 

Gotta love the simple pleasures.

Anyway, said neighbour arrived bearing an early gift for my birthday.

I removed the wrapping to reveal the beautiful gift inside.

As I reflected upon the giving and receiving of gifts, it struck me that if I give someone a gift, I don’t stop them just before they open it to go through a checklist of their behaviour to determine whether I consider them worthy to receive it.  Neither do I present them with a to do list that they must first complete.  Which is not to say that I don’t ask friends to assist me with certain job lists but that’s a whole other story!

There is joy in seeking out or creating gifts for others, as well as in receiving them.  And we don’t typically check whether we think someone ‘deserves’ it beforehand.  (Unless you’re a parent and Christmas is approaching!).  Under usual circumstances, we make a choice to give or to receive as an act of free will that usually provides enjoyment for both party’s. 

Win, win right?

And yet, I am equally struck by all the deeply embedded ideas us humans can hold inside of us that interfere with our ability to receive of the ultimate gift of all – God Almighty.

So many of us humans are prone to discrediting ourselves from the gift of God.  We imagine that we are not this enough or too that or haven’t done this or did do that and so the list goes on.

Some simply do not believe in God, except perhaps when looking for someone to blame for all the horror and injustice in the world.

The fact remains that God chose to send Jesus to provide the link that allows us to approach and receive the gift of God, anytime, anyplace.  It was an act of free will that certainly cost the giver but was given regardless and willingly at that.

The giving of the gift is not based upon anything to do with us – it’s NOT about us!  It is freely given!

What is about us, is whether we choose to receive it.

Furthermore, like many gifts, they can be shared with others.

God is no exception.