
Red, green, amber – I cannot keep up and have ceased to try!

Such uncertainty.

What a logistical nightmare attempting to contain infections, manage pinging, isolating, travel borders and maintaining a workforce to keep the country going.  Not to mention the debate around whether to vaccinate the under 16’s or even under 12’s.

These questions, the uncertainty, the learning curve, the ever updated ‘scientific data’ and the new challenges of each stage continue to unfold before us.

The Covid induced disruption is far from done.

It’s exhausting.

And therefore the need for the holiday is more important than ever.

For me, a holiday needs to be a time and space to rest, recover, reboot and re-envision the future.  I want it to be calm, peaceful and immersed in the healing and restorative powers of nature. 

What I definitely do not want threatening these precious periods of time out is uncertainty, stress and potential additional costs.

And so I have written off overseas travel again this year instead opting to enjoy the beauty of the North Yorkshire Dales, away from the traffic light system.

I am so looking forward to this.

But in the meantime, I do not want to wish away this precious time for summer is my very favourite season.  How I love to run through the fields, cycle through the villages and swim under the great vastness of the sky.  

These little windows of respite continue to re-energise me until the larger window afforded by my holiday arrives.

Time out from the norm is now more than ever crucial.

Maybe next year, international travel will be easier …

2 thoughts on “Holidays”

  1. Very true and mine bogleing,
    But the Holidays are coming time to switch off and relax and enjoy 😉 🌞😘

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