Dry January

For many, January is the month to stop drinking alcohol or maybe give up meat or sugar or whatever else was either done to excess in December or is deemed healthy to abstain from.

Whether your focus is on denying yourself any of the above or not, life can feel a little dry in January following all the activity’s that accompany Christmas.

In fact next Monday the 17th is considered to be blue Monday aka the most miserable day of the year.

Whilst we are encouraged left, right and centre to focus on all things physical in January, it is still what we think and feel, that determines our enthusiasm or otherwise for the daily grind of life.

As I look out of the window, I see dreary, damp, wet, grey weather.  It is not uplifting and quite the contrast from the rare but blue skied wonder of yesterday.

The miserable weather outside often leaves us feeling miserable inside.   

When the sun shines, it gives us a lift.

When the sun does not shine, we need non weather dependent ways to create our own lifts.

It is true that it can be harder to lift the spirits without the aid of the sunshine, but it is equally true that it is not impossible.

Whilst there is so much focus on physical health, it can be easy to overlook the need to be just as intentional and proactive about looking after our mental and emotional health.

But how exactly do we do that?

More about that next time …

3 thoughts on “Dry January”

  1. Good read Jo ..
    I’m finding a good walk 🚶‍♂️ and a coffee shop rest a good uplifting way…xx

    1. Several coffee shop rests in fact John Boy .
      And your hat is always a cheerful and welcome sight xx

    2. Defo Johnboy, getting moving especially if it involves going outside is always good for the soul.
      Keep enjoying that retirement 😊

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