Relentless rain equals reading, writing but no (a)rithmetic

According to my weather forecast there will be rain on nine out of the next fourteen days! For anyone basing their moods upon the weather, it may be time for a new approach or failing that, to move country! But let’s not forget that the weather forecast is open to change and often wrong. This whether the weather is wet when it said it wouldn’t be or dry when it said it would be. The latter is preferable, at least to me.

I certainly appreciated the sun popping out right from the start of my garden party yesterday. This despite ‘she of little faith’ setting it up to be inside! And I appreciated the sun staying mostly out and the Heavens holding entirely back until we were finished. A garden party isn’t quite the same when not in the garden.

When the weather dictates the need to be inside as much as it currently is, I appreciate the outside opportunities even more. This year certainly appears to be excelling in the prevalence and presence of sun obscuring, rain releasing clouds. Not my favourite weather but another of life’s chances to practise how we respond to that which we cannot control.

What I do miss is not being able to have my breakfast outside with the birds, the bee’s, and the ginger boy. Perhaps this is helping however in adjusting to the fledglings who have flown the nest. I became quite attached to them over the previous few weeks. I’ve enjoyed watching the parents busily flying back and forth to feed their growing flock. Such a show of commitment and care.

When I first noticed these blue tits had made their home in the box at the side of my house, I could only hear the baby’s ‘feed me’ chattering’s coming from within. It was their parents feeding them from outside the box that alerted me to their presence. Then I started to spot the baby blue tit beaks poking through their window as they awaited their parents return.

As they grew, I could see their fluffy little heads popping out to check out the world around them. I have found watching the parents’ dedication to their baby’s growth utterly mesmerising. They were flying back and forth all day long. I feel quite sad now that they have gone. I can only pray that their fledglings made it.

Back to yesterday’s garden party. Aside and on top of the reprieve from the wet stuff, it went well. Apparently, it was my Victoria sponge that came out in top cake spot. This earned an 11/10 from one friend who was a chef in a previous life. High praise indeed! And it gave me great pleasure to see strangers connecting and conversing. Equally I loved hearing the sound of laughter regularly filling the air. In my books, these indicated success meaning it is time to plan another.

While laughter is my second favourite sound, birdsong remains in pole position. I may be missing watching the blue tits, but the other birds remain present and tuneful. Nothing dampens their songs. I’m particularly grateful for the black bird who keeps coming back. He literally sings from the rooftop of my house or sometimes from the tree’s. I spot him at various times of the day or rather I usually hear his loud, clear song before I see him! At times, he has even been known to serenade my clients into my cabin from his perch on the tree above. Not a bad USP to have!

And, I still regularly see my robin couple who love trawling for treats under my tree. At times, the odd magpie pops by, several pigeons, starlings and all sort of other birds whose names I don’t know. Google helped me to identify a goldfinch once which I was very excited about! And the odd squirrel scurries along the fence or in the trees.

Witnessing these wonders of wildlife all around me, is the stuff that stills my mind, fills my heart and calms my body. A holy hattrick of happy hormone releasing goodness! I thank the God who cares for us humans even more than these birds, for it all.

1 thought on “Relentless rain equals reading, writing but no (a)rithmetic”

  1. Wonderful, to be intune with nature and sung to by beautiful birds songs, 🐦 🥰 xxx

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