The treat of time out

Last week someone commented that I’m always writing about rest.

“That’s because I’m rubbish at it”, I replied.

“That’s terrible”, came their response.

The conversation was interrupted so I remain unsure exactly what this meant. But what I do know is that I write about rest a lot because I am attempting to keep it on my radar. And I’m doing this because my resistance to rest is exhausting! By continuing to write about rest, I continue to remind myself to practice it.

Part of my commitment to spend more time away from the never-ending to-do-list of adulting, is by having a work free Wednesday. My mid-week work break offers the chance to stop, catch my breath and practice more rest and play. By doing so, I recharge ready for the rest of the week. In theory at least!

After a non-stop rushing here, there and everywhere style Wednesday, I redressed the balance on Thursday. I released myself from work commitments (mostly) to take time out with a trusted friend.

As the clouds were having a break from rain releasing, we walked from hers to a beautiful venue. We were accompanied by her four-legged woofers, one of whom I met for the first time. What a beauty! Her energy and enthusiasm meant she hadn’t mastered the art of bounce control when it came to jumping all over me. But when a small child drew face to face and put her hands on the pup’s face, the pup responded with gentleness. Wow!

Anyway, our afternoon proceeded to be a banquet for the soul. I enjoyed the contented tail wagging presence of the woofers with the ease of conversation that comes from a friend you’ve known for decades. The scenery was stunning complete with winged visitors who varied from robins to blackbirds to magpies. The food was homemade, bursting with colour and flavours that made it a delight to indulge in. And there was a gift shop full of beautiful things to look at.

The simple act of time in nature with a good friend can refresh all parts of us.

1 thought on “The treat of time out”

  1. Very pleased to hear about your restful day today and pray that you’ll have many more 🙏 😊 xx

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