Birds, butterfly’s and blue sky’s

I realise this title sounds very Enid Blyton amidst a world of much non-magical goings on. But a way to manage the horrors, injustice and wars, (not just those that make it to the western media), is by continuing to notice all that remains beautiful and good. All sides of ourselves and life co-exist whether we typically blind ourselves to the unsavoury or the beautiful or whether we continue to see them all.

Closer to home, I’ve lost count of the number of political leaflets that have arrived through my letterbox this week. Those who employ playground tactics of pulling down the opposition to promote themselves instantly lose my respect and my vote. While I appreciate the actions and sacrifices of Pankhurst and co, how does one vote if you don’t trust anyone pleading for one?

Recently I heard that in some other country (whose name I’ve forgotten), there is a count of those who do not vote. Apparently, this is not done for the shortsighted approach of reprimanding or judging but to learn why so this can be addressed. I’m not sure whether our country simply ignores the growing number of people choosing not to vote. Perhaps they don’t want to consider that many of us fear that those seeking power do not appear to be acting in integrity or for the greater good. Although in fairness to all, it is an almost impossible job for which there is no quick fix. And I can’t really know what drives those who seek our vote. I know only what turns me right off.

Anyway, that’s more than enough on that subject.

What a difference the sunshine has made to our collective moods this week! I’ve certainly been uplifted by time spent outside without freezing or getting rained on. I love the great outdoors and find it comforting, relaxing and refreshing.

So this week, I’ve balanced out the fast paced, busy, noisy culture of modern day living by spending extended periods of time outside. The simple business of breakfast in the garden, slows me down by inviting me to notice the sights and sounds around me. All of which is enhanced by the colour enriching presence of the sun.

I’ve been treated to flybys from various birds most of whose names I don’t know. But these different winged wonders take it in turns to take to the podium offered by my fence post. Here they sing or chatter as they turn and twist to let me take in their beauty from all angles!

One morning the resident robin who often sits on the podium kept flying back from the fence at the bottom of the garden to the podium on the side fence. From here he chattered away with his native song seemingly determined for me to notice him! I was delighted that he succeeded!

My regular blackbird helped me get over my sadness when the bluetits I’d been watching for weeks completed their mission when their fledglings flew away. This blackbird is consistent in presence and song. Even if I can’t see him, I can usually hear him! He sings from the rooftops in the evenings and the trees in the day. He even pops down to feast on the worms from my lawn first thing. He came right up to me at my table this morning to bid me good morning (so I like to think!)

When I stop, be still and savour these sights and sounds of nature, it refreshes and re-sets me.

There is much new research on ‘forest bathing’ or ‘for-rest’ as I recently saw it written as well as the health benefits of outdoor green or blue open spaces. None of which I can remember given the understanding of science is not within my skill set. However, I do know that nature calls to us if we’re willing to slow down enough to notice. And when we do take in its offerings, it can calm our systems amidst a chaotic world.

Not everyone is as enamoured of nature or gardening as I am as we are all wired differently. And that’s ok but it is important to know what offers you a refreshing, soothing experience for there will always be much in this world to test us.

1 thought on “Birds, butterfly’s and blue sky’s”

  1. Fantastic to hear you’re resting and enjoying sitting in you’re garden and interacting with your feather 🪶 friends,
    I am also enjoying there cousins, morning and evening 😀 😘🥰xxx

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