At the start of my week off, I was asked by a fellow church member what my plan for my break was.
‘To have as few plans as possible’, I replied.
‘I think that’s really under-rated’, came his response.
As humans, we have a propensity towards filling space. The emptiness or void like qualities of space can see us avoiding them by mindlessly filling them. In the physical realm this ranges from filling storage cupboards to sheds, lofts, wardrobes and anywhere else. In the psychological realm, we may equally mindlessly fill time and air space. This is usually to avoid being still and silent in case we notice or feel something we don’t want to.
During this year of learning to rest better, I am practising being stiller and more silent. I do this by not asking my mind or body to do anything much. It goes entirely against the grain of my history but I am determined to do things differently.
To this end, this morning, I forced myself to sleep in until 8.30am. Not extravagantly late I realise but when I’m in a creative phase, my mind starts buzzing the moment I wake up. I am learning to quieten it back down to give my body the rest it needs. Following this lay in, I took my coffee out to the garden. Here I could take in the sun and birdsong along with my Monty cat.
How I love the great outdoors; it was my safe space as a child where our garden conveniently led to a large green field. Here and now, nature remains my place of wonder and comfort. As I sat drinking in the surrounds as well as the coffee, a peacock butterfly fluttered by, landing right by my feet. It stayed a moment allowing me to admire its colourings and patterns before it flew away.
I moved to my now parasol covered table and chairs to continue watching the wildlife. It wasn’t long before I spotted the robin who has recently taking up residence here. He dives down from his position on the fence to whatever edible treats await it under my tree. Most days he pops by for a visit. If it is a him.
The other day a beautiful delicate blue tit landed on the fence nearest my conservatory where it caught my attention as it peered in the window. These are the moments I relish most when I remember the importance of sitting in the space of rest. I notice the beauty and wonder of my surroundings as well as all that wishes to present itself from within; beautiful or otherwise.
While the world will always be full of strife and suffering, there will equally always be moments of magic awaiting us when we become still enough to notice them.
This rest malarkey is way under-rated and under-practised, at least by me! But my commitment to re-dressing the balance is becoming stronger all the time.
Yay for holidays.