Marley models redemption

Recently my partner and I watched One Love at the cinema (not Cine-yukky- tech-stress inducing-world). What jumped out was how young Marley was when he died at just thirty-six. I still don’t know whether this could have been avoided if he’d got his trotter sorted earlier. The other thing was how broken he was before he picked himself back up to start what would be the last run of his music. The one that resulted in the Redemption song.

Like a lot of us, I love a true story. Even more when people show their real struggles, how they find their way through and how they live with whatever their set of challenges are. Anyone who practises super shiny polished ‘I’ve got all my shit together’ persona’s, turn me right off. Let’s face it, bs stinks; our own or other peoples.

Personally, I love all things music, I just lack musical ability. But I love listening to it, singing, feeling it and dancing. My church very graciously allows me to sing in their worship team. This despite having a deficit of technical skills. I dread the request, ‘Jo, give us a C’, as I have nought knowledge about any letters of the musical alphabet.

However, I do love singing to and about God even if it is with more enthusiasm than ability or finesse. And I’ve always loved to dance. Upon seeing a circular area on the waiting area of Argos many years ago with the music playing overhead, my eyes lit up. When my friend saw me she knew exactly what I was thinking and immediately urged me ‘don’t Jo, just don’t’! I wasn’t as free from people pleasing back then so I didn’t! But these days if the urge to dance takes me, I go with it! It’s no issue for me to hurl myself around a dancefloor completely unaccompanied while drinking nothing stronger than H20.

But back to Bob, who I thought and still think is a legend. I love Bob’s music which has ministered to me at numerous times, in numerous ways over the years. Once when awaiting a plane at an American Airport, I was feeling very distressed. Suddenly, I noticed that’s Bob’s song, ‘Don’t worry’, was playing in the Airport lounge. It made me smile when I feared it would be a while before I managed anything remotely resembling one of those! It was like God Himself drew my ears to the music and my heart to the lyrics. As if wanting to reassure me that I would be ok and I was not forgotten by Him or alone with my upset. God basically used the music of Marley to reach me when I was miles away from anyone else who may have reached me.

As for the ‘three little birds’ song, obviously I LOVE this song!!

Anyway, I’m writing about Bob because during a recent discussion, his drug taking came up. For some, I think this may get him and his music written off as ‘bad’. But for me, whether you approve or disapprove of Marleys leanings or lifestyle, he preached love through his music. And he modelled redemption through his actions. Was he perfect? No, but are any of us?

I’m not sure how accurate the film was but it showed Marley look the guy who shot him in the eye and forgive him. I think the shootee aka Marley was releasing the shooter from any kind of debt. He reminded the shootee that he could free himself from slavery to anything other than love. He had a choice just like we all do.

I’m certainly grateful that God has redeemed me from my many years of messiness. And that within his love, I can continue to seek deeper levels of freedom. This isn’t a place I get to but a commitment to continue learning along the way. Freedom deepens when I recognise what is holding me back, down, or away from the fullest version of this thing called life. (usually me!). And then choose to actively do something about it!


Dressed & lit!

I LOVE Christmas.

I always have done and it hasn’t diminished with age. I love everything about it from the sparkly lights, to the cheddar loaded films, to the feasting and dancing of Christmas parties, to the gift choosing, the making of mince pies, the sound of carols and of course, all that wonderful food.

Why on earth do I always wait until December to enjoy the sumptuous goodness of pigs in blankets?

I just love Christmas.

But, I have a not before the 1st rule. As in, I don’t start Christmas before the 1st of December. But, once started, it continues for the entire month.

However, this year I broke my own rule, because as I was meandering around Hitchin market during the last week of November I unexpectedly stumbled across a Christmas tree stall. As in real Christmas trees. We weren’t allowed these as kids due to my mother’s aversion to mess but as I like real, living things I opt for the real McCoy every year. So when a super cute, short, fat tree caught my eye, I just knew that I had to have it. As in immediately! So I bought the car round, paid for the tree and bundled it in.

I justified my rule breaking by telling myself that I wouldn’t dress it before the 1st. However, as soon as I got home I found myself clambering up to the loft to drag down the decorations.

Later that night I couldn’t resist adding both baubles and lights to the tree. And of course, I discovered that I would need an additional plug socket to facilitate the lights. How is it that this happens every single year?

Anyway, I was delighted to discover that the tree wasn’t wonky. Despite my best efforts to the contrary, I had a run of years where I kept ending up with wonky Christmas trees, much to the amusement of one of my friends. (You know who you are!)

As I’d officially started my own Christmas season, I thought I may as well go the whole hog by baking my first batch of mince pies. I was subsequently pleased to discover courtesy of those within my house group that I have not lost my touch. Yum and yay!

First batch of the season…

And so it was that Christmas started early for me this year. I’m glad. Especially as last Christmas didn’t feel like Christmas. I had major aspects of my life that weren’t working and required addressing and as such the whole season had a pretty sombre feel to it. All the more reason as far as I’m concerned to have a double portion of Christmas cheer this year!

We can’t stop the inevitable tough seasons of trial and change but what we can do, is embrace the good ones with both hands. On the understanding, that these too shall pass!

Now, a few weeks in to my Christmas month, I’ve bought most my gifts, I’ve had my first Christmas party, I’ve bought new frocks in preparation for the next three Christmas parties and I’ve watched numerous Christmas films.

I’m always struck by the themes of these Christmas films which are often about paying attention to the wisdom of the heart and having the courage to follow it. Whilst this is exaggerated to the extreme within most of these films, they still serve to remind us of the importance of the heart as way more than an organ that pumps blood around the body.

A message that can all too easily become lost within our culture with its dogged determination to have us believe we can simply bypass our hearts by ruling ourselves with an iron mind. Which of course we can, but we are very much deluding ourselves if we imagine we can do so without cost or consequence.

Afterall, it is via our hearts that love flows.

To this end, the Christmas season has much to remind us about what really matters in life. That when we strip back all that surrounds Christmas, what we are left with is the birthday of a God who came to show us what love is. And who amongst us longs for more than to love and be loved? For is it not love that gives us the ultimate reason for living, especially through the hard times?

And of course Christmas can be an extremely difficult time for many. The constant onslaught of imagery depicting ‘perfect happy families’ can be decidedly difficult to swallow if this is far from your own experience or you’re in the midst of a season of struggle or loss. We cannot simply conjure up bonhomie on demand because we’re in December.

But, what each of us can do irrespective of whether we are relishing the run up to Christmas or counting down the days til it’s over, is to extend a little extra love to ourselves and to others. Because isn’t that what Christmas is all about?

What really matters …